First experiences with BL: Yu Yu Hakusho and Prince of Tennis doujinshi and fanart back in 2003-2004. The first BL manga I bought was “Only the Ring Finger Knows”— very silly and romantic. I liked so many things about BL and shipping— the distance from my own identity/lived experiences allowed me to explore ideas of sexuality, gender, and romance more easily, the coming out narratives were touching and acted like a guide for me, the community was so fun and completely open. Initially, I wasn’t part of the fandom as a whole, I suppose as I was quite young. But I often met other anime fans online and in real life who liked BL and I always got on really well with them. BL fans were often more creative, open-minded, and passionate in my opinion. I spent a lot of time on msn, yahoo, and gaiaonline. Mostly it was a pleasant surprise to learn that someone you met was also into BL (and usually Girl’s Love, too, at that time).
— 28, She/They, USA