To put it as simply as I can: I experienced gender dysphoria when I was young in a society that heavily prioritized gender roles. As a result I rejected everything feminine, which included “fujoshi tendencies” aka yaoi shipping (yes, it was homophobia). As I grew up and especially after entering the Homestuck fandom, I started being open towards and liking mlm content, however I latched onto the anti-fujoshi crowd because it gave me the reason to both enjoy mlm content and feel like I’m not part of the female dominant BL fan spaces (yes, it was misogyny). Afterwards I learned more about BL, other identities in fandom and worked through my toxic masculinity problems. I also moved on from tumblr as a platform and started participating in other communities that I feel more welcoming to me and also help me be more open.
— 25, They/Them, Vietnam